AI AutoBots Pro OTO pro, Unlimited, DFY, Buyer Blast

AI AutoBots Pro OTO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: There are two FE offers and Seven Time Offers. The first AI AutoBots Pro OTO is the PRO Version, the second the DFY Version, the third the Agency Licence, the fourth the RESELLER Licence, and the fifth the INCOME BOOSTER Version. There are more down sells. All information >>>

All 6 AI AutoBots Pro OTO Links Below

UPSELL 1: AI AutoBots Pro Advanced

UPSELL 2: AI Autobotspro Templateclub

UPSELL 3: AI Autobotspro Business

UPSELL 4: AI Autobotspro Reseller

UPSELL 5: PromptEngine Pro Special

UPSELL 6: Justap Special

Front End Details

Create Workspaces for Your AutoBot Campaigns:

Establish separate workspaces for different businesses and manage multiple autobot campaigns within each workspace. These campaigns can cater to various purposes like employee onboarding, customer support, lead generation, and sales.

Train AI with URLs:

Easily input a URL containing relevant information about your product or business and train the AI to respond effectively to queries related to your company, products, or policies.

Retrieve Data from Sub URLs:

The AI has the capability to scan and familiarize itself with data and information within sub-URLs connected to the main URL.

Train AutoBot with Multiple URLs:

You can enhance the Autobot’s knowledge by training it to work with several URLs, simply by editing the source.

Train AI with Text:

Copy and paste text to train the AI, which will comprehend the content and respond to inquiries based on it.

Train AI with Files:

You can expedite the AI’s understanding of your business by providing a text file for it to analyze.

Train AI with Various Files:

Train the AI using multiple files by making adjustments to the source.

Train AI with Q&A Sets:

The AI can also be trained using sets of frequently asked questions and their corresponding answers.

Combine Sources for AI Training:

Customize the AI’s knowledge by using a combination of URL text, files, and Q&A sets to teach the AutoBot about your business.

Embed AutoBot on Any Page:

The AutoBot can be seamlessly integrated into any web page, ensuring it appears wherever you choose to place it. It can also be embedded on multiple pages.

Use AutoBot as a Widget:

You have the option to include the AutoBot as a widget, typically located in the corner of your web page. You can add it to multiple pages for greater accessibility.

Domain-Specific AutoBot Operation:

Configure the AutoBots to operate only on specific domains, giving you control over where they function.

Customize AutoBot Appearance:

Personalize the AutoBot by adding your own custom logo, selecting colors, and even assigning a unique name.

Set Welcome Message:

Define a customized welcome message for your AutoBots to greet visitors when they land on your web page.

Lead Generation:

Utilize AutoBots to collect leads, helping you expand your potential customer base.

Integrate with AutoResponders:

Seamlessly add leads to your autoresponder and initiate nurturing campaigns to convert them into paying customers.

Configure Email Alerts:

You have the option to configure email notifications and welcome messages for users who opt-in. You can even receive email alerts when new subscribers join your list.

Pre-Populated Questions:

Pre-fill the AutoBot with common questions, allowing users to quickly select from a list of frequently asked questions to get instant answers.

Handle Multiple Conversations:

AutoBots can work tirelessly, 24/7, and efficiently manage multiple conversations simultaneously, enhancing user engagement.

Multilingual AI Training:

Train the AutoBots in any language you prefer, making them accessible to a global audience.

Single Bot, Multiple Languages:

If your clients speak multiple languages, you can train the bot in these languages, ensuring it responds appropriately to queries.

Conversation History Storage:

The AutoBot stores complete conversation histories, providing valuable insights for improving AI responses and user interactions.

Flexible AI Updates:

Keep the AI knowledge base up-to-date by easily updating it whenever there are changes to your policies, prices, or website content.

Time-Based Chat Initiation:

Initiate chat after visitors spend a specific amount of time on your page, engaging them at opportune moments.

Comprehensive Visitor Analytics:

AI AutoBots Pro provides detailed visitor analytics, displaying metrics such as leads generated, conversation clicks, questions asked, responses provided, and more.

DFY AutoBot Templates:

Choose from a selection of professionally designed AutoBot templates to expedite the setup of your AutoBot.

Personalized Conversations:

Customize conversations based on user data collected during the opt-in process, ensuring tailored interactions.

Support for Right-To-Left (RTL) Text:

AutoBots can provide responses in RTL format and be trained in RTL text for languages that use a right-to-left script.

Localization Options:

Add default text in any language to localize AutoBots for specific regions or audiences.

Business Rights:

Gain the ability to create and profitably sell AutoBots to other businesses, opening up potential revenue streams.

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is AI AutoBots Pro, and how does it function?

AI Autobots Pro is an innovative solution that uses intelligent Autobot technology to improve enterprises. It enables you to design autobot campaigns for a variety of reasons, including staff onboarding, customer assistance, lead generation, and sales. These Autobot campaigns interact with prospects and clients in user-smart conversations, offering quick responses based on the information you provide.

Can I modify AI AutoBots to speak multiple languages?

Absolutely. AI AutoBots Pro has a wide range of linguistic skills. You may program the AI to answer in any language you want, making it flexible to different areas and audiences. Additionally, if your consumers speak different languages, you can teach a single bot to understand and answer in all of them, delivering a personalized experience for each user.

How does AI AutoBots Pro keep up with new information?

AI AutoBots Pro has adaptable AI updates. If your policies, pricing, or website information change, you can quickly update the AI’s knowledge base. This guarantees that the AI always reflects the most recent and correct information, allowing it to respond to user requests in real-time.

Can AI AutoBots Pro be utilized by companies other than mine?

Yes, AI AutoBots Pro licenses you to design and financially offer autobot solutions to other enterprises. This capability opens up new revenue potential as you extend the benefits of intelligent Autobot technology to other firms looking to improve engagement and connection with their consumers.

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