AI AutoBots Pro OTO All 6 OTOs Links Here

AI AutoBots Pro OTO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: There is one FE offer & 7 One Time Offers. The First AI AutoBots Pro OTO is the Pro Version, the Second AI AutoBots Pro OTO is the Unlimited Version, the Third is the DFY License, the fourth is the Buyer Blast License, five AI AutoBots Pro OTO is the Agency Version. There are other downsells. All information >>>

All 6 AI AutoBots Pro OTO Links Below

UPSELL 1: AI AutoBots Pro Advanced

UPSELL 2: AI Autobotspro Templateclub

UPSELL 3: AI Autobotspro Business

UPSELL 4: AI Autobotspro Reseller

UPSELL 5: PromptEngine Pro Special

UPSELL 6: Justap Special

Front End Details

Set Up Workspaces for Your AutoBot Campaigns:

This feature allows you to create separate workspaces for different businesses and manage multiple autobot campaigns within each workspace. You can run campaigns for various purposes, such as employee onboarding, customer support, lead generation, and sales.

Use URLs To Train The AI:

You can simply provide a URL that contains information about your product or business. Then, you can train the AI to respond to questions and queries related to your company, its products, or its policies.

The Capability To Retrieve Data From Every Sub URL:

The AI has the ability to scan and familiarize itself with all the data and information within sub-URLs linked to the main URL.

The AutoBot Can Be Trained Using Multiple URLs:

By editing the source, you can train the Autobot to work with multiple URLs, enhancing its knowledge and capabilities.

Use Text to Train the AI:

You can copy and paste text, and the AI will fully understand the content and respond to inquiries based on it.

Use A File To Train The AI:

You have the option to drop a text file for the AI to quickly understand your business.

The Capability To Train With Various Files:

You can train the AI using various files by editing the source.

Train The AI With A List Of Questions And Answers:

The AI can also be trained using a set of frequently asked questions and their corresponding answers.

Combine Different Sources To Teach The AI:

You can teach the AutoBot about your business by combining information from URL text, files, and Q&A.

Incorporate The AutoBot On ANY Page, Or Even Several Pages:

The AutoBot can be embedded on any web page, and it will appear wherever you place it. You can even add it to multiple pages.

Include The AutoBot As A Widget On ANY Page, Or Even Several Pages:

The AutoBot can be added as a widget, typically placed in the corner of your web page. You have the flexibility to add it to multiple pages.

The Ability to Limit the Domains that the AutoBot Will Operate On:

You can specify the domains on which the AutoBot will function, allowing you to control where it operates.

Make The AutoBot Your Own:

You can personalize the AutoBot by adding your own custom logo, choosing colors, and even giving it a unique name.

Configure Bot’s Welcome Message:

Customize the default welcome message for your AutoBots to greet visitors to your web page.

Gather Leads:

Use AutoBots to collect leads and grow your pool of potential customers.

Integration of AutoResponders:

Add leads to your autoresponder and start nurturing them to convert them into paying customers.

Configure Email Alerts:

Set up email notifications and welcome messages for opt-in users. You can choose to receive email notifications whenever a new subscriber joins your list.

Create Pre-Populated Questions:

You can pre-fill questions in the autobot, allowing users to quickly select from a list of frequently asked questions to get answers.

The Capability Of Handling Several Conversations:

AutoBots can work continuously, 24/7, and efficiently manage multiple conversations simultaneously.

The Capability To Train Bots In ANY Language You Choose:

You can train the AutoBots in any language of your choice, making them versatile and accessible to a global audience.

The Capacity To Train A Single Bot In A Variety Of Languages:

If your clients speak multiple languages, you can train the bot in those languages to provide responses in the appropriate language.

A History Of Stored Responses:

The complete conversation history of the AutoBot is saved, helping you understand the types of chat questions. You can update the AI and improve its performance using these stored conversations.

The Flexibility Of AI Updates:

The AI’s knowledge base stays up-to-date. You can choose to update the AI whenever you make changes to your policies, prices, or website information, and it will quickly adapt to the new information.

Chat Initiation Based On Time:

Chat can be initiated after a visitor has spent a certain amount of time on the page, engaging them at the right moment.

Full Visitor Analytics:

AI AutoBots Pro provides comprehensive visitor analytics, displaying information such as the number of leads generated, conversation clicks, questions, responses, and more.

DFY AutoBot Templates:

Choose from a collection of pre-designed AutoBot templates to get your AutoBot up and running quickly.

Individualized Dialogue:

Customize conversations based on visitor data collected during opt-in.

Right To Left (RTL) Text:

The AutoBot can provide responses in RTL format and can be trained in RTL text.

Localize The AutoBots:

Add default text in any language to localize the AutoBots for specific regions.

Business Rights:

This feature allows you to build and profitably sell AutoBots to other businesses, offering a potential revenue stream.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is AI AutoBots Pro and how does it work?

AI AutoBots Pro is a cutting-edge solution that harnesses intelligent Autobot technology to enhance businesses. It empowers you to create autobot campaigns tailored to various purposes, such as employee onboarding, customer support, lead generation, and sales. These Autobot campaigns engage in user-smart dialogues with prospects and clients, providing instant responses based on the information you provide.

Can I customize AI AutoBots for different languages?

Absolutely. AI AutoBots Pro is versatile in language capabilities. You can train the AI to respond in any language of your choice, making it adaptable to various regions and audiences. Furthermore, if your clients speak multiple languages, you can train a single bot to understand and respond in those languages, ensuring a personalized experience for every user.

How does AI AutoBots Pro stay updated with changing information?

AI AutoBots Pro features flexible AI updates. If you make changes to your policies, pricing, or website information, you can promptly update the AI’s knowledge base. This ensures that the AI always reflects the most current and accurate information, enabling it to provide up-to-date responses to user queries.

Can AI AutoBots Pro be used by businesses other than my own?

Yes, AI AutoBots Pro grants you the business rights to build and profitably sell autobot solutions to other businesses. This capacity opens up new opportunities for revenue generation as you extend the benefits of intelligent Autobot technology to other companies seeking enhanced engagement and interaction with their audiences.

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